RvBOMally on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rvbomally/art/Turkey-Shoot-COMMISSION-639821551RvBOMally

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Turkey Shoot [COMMISSION]



Another commission, this time from BagelBagelBagel, which I must admit is one of the best usernames I've ever seen. He asked me to map a very detailed and intricate map, that ultimately had to do with turkey puns. It was very fun to work with him on this. If you're interested in commissioning your own piece, read this for details.

Malik Shah III is overthrown by his brother but Suleiman-Shah defeats this Sultan (Muhammad II) in 1157 instead of being defeated. This leads to a different fall of Great Seljuq that eventually leads to the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire in less than 150 years. The modern world is divided between three powers. The Mediterranean is dominated by the Sublime Race, a successor to the Turkish Empire. The Turks carved an Empire that was somewhat larger and longer lasting than the OTL Ottomans, converting the majority of south Slavs and Magyars to Islam, controlling Eritrea and Somalia for a long time against Ethiopia, controlling Rome for a period of time which spread Islam into Italy, and allowing the Islamic state of Grenada to survive against the advancing Iberian Christians.

One major reform that the Turks implemented during this era was the creation of a parliament-like regulatory body. The way it worked was that the Sultan was the government and before this reform was an autocrat who answered to nobody but himself in the name of the divine. The Sultan, even a reformist one, would not accept any situation in which the government and the royal court would cease to be one and the same. So the Diet was not part of the government, but was an independent body that regulated the government (which was the Sultan and his royal court) and its actions. It was headed by a Prime Minister, the most powerful person in the Empire outside the royal court. This system would remain in place until the Phoenix War.

After the Turkish Empire reached its military and territorial height, a period of cultural liberalism and technological innovation began. Islam remained strong but those who opposed progress in favor of religious purity were pushed aside as being backwards and intolerant. Initially this period placed more emphasis on technological progress but later included the idea of tolerance and appreciation of differing ethnic groups, including those who remained Christian, along with the Jews (but not pagans). Many modern Turks see this as a key factor in the collapse of the Empire, but what really destroyed the Empire was the Great War (known as the Collapse War to the Turks), a global conflict that slaughtered an entire generation. The European powers, led by the Germans and Ruslanders slogged it out over an entire continent and parts of the Mediterranean. The Europeans won, only to turn against each other.

The Turks lost Constantinople to a pan-European front who fought against each other for control of the city. They retained an empire of sorts: most of central Anatolia, lost all of Armenia, and retained Syria and Mesopotamia. The discontented Turkish population was dealing with Europeans lording over and fighting each other for the right to rule their rightful land and oppress good Muslims, and annoying minorities within their own land including some pan-Arab nationalists. With these problems, in this base of a rump “Kingdom” or “Sultanate,” that the Justice and Action Party rose to power. This political party told the tale that the Empire was defeated because of multiculturalism and that diversity was a weakness, not a strength. It also created the idea of the “Sublime Race” whose destiny it was to rule the world and advance civilization. The Party’s Leader, known as the Father of the Sublime Race, eliminated the once-immortal dynasty that had officially ruled for nearly a thousand years. He failed to eliminate the actual position of the Sultan, but killed off the Sultan and all heirs. The best thing he could do was to take the position of Sultan for himself and try to push it into irrelevancy.

The next great war would actually start as the final battle between the Europeans over who should be the one great power to reap the benefits of the Collapse War. This was exactly the situation the party had hoped for. The Phoenix War earned its name when the new Empire of the Sublime Race joined in, first as an ally of the British, than after a clean backstab as its own side. Just like the phoenix of legend, the Empire would reconquer most of its former territories even as it dealt with a European supported Arab revolt spreading as far north as Syria. By the end of things Christian Europe was either back to square one (Germany and her northern allies, Castile) or in a worse situation (France, Britain, Rusland). The restored Empire is not quite as stable as the old one was, as there is an independent Arab state that is still a rallying point for ethnic Arab resistance, Berber raiders in the Sahara, Christian mobsters in south Italy making mischief, and the whole thing about the Sublime Race reigning supreme making differing ethnic groups uncomfortable. These days though the “Sublime Race” is more of an ethnicity than a biological race, it is possible to convert other cultures like the Arabs into ethnic Turks over a period of time. If the government didn’t adopt this policy and didn’t purge the hardliners who disagreed the Arabic rebellions would have been much harder to finally kill off. This is most successful in North Africa – the independent state in Eastern Arabia has only a handful of contacts left there. Some “inferior” ethnics survive, there are still some guerrilla fighters surviving in the Middle East, some ethnic groups were expelled, exterminated within the empire’s borders, or both.

After the death of the Father of the Sublime Race, he was succeeded by another Prime Minister who also took the title of Sultan and used it purely for ceremonial purposes. Most of these leaders would not be able to reign in the powerful military and the fanatical Party guards and so none of the Father’s successors would be able to become nearly as powerful as he did. At least, not until now: the newest Leader has broken with tradition in using his position of Sultan seriously and has defied the wishes of the top ranks of the military and the party guards several times. He seem to be steering the Empire of the Sublime Race in the direction of a religious revival, and it’s working. The Hagia Sophia is once again a mosque to the Islamic religion (previously it served as a temple to the glory of the Sublime Race) and while the Holy Cities are still officially independent and neutral microstates surrounded by the neutral Caliphate of Arabia, the new Sultan has his eye on them…

In the east lies the Golden Khanate, a union of many lesser Khanates representing all various Turkic ethnic groups including Uzbeks, Chechens, Parthians, Tartars, what have you, each lead by a Khan who all make up a council of Khans which is led by a Grand Khan. Lands within the Golden Khanate which is not part of any lesser Khanate is ruled directly by the Grand Khan. The Khanate is the result of different conquests of barbarian horsemen and it has taken longer to industrialize but has caught up with the rest of the world. It’s still the least advanced of the three great powers but has the highest population and largest size. The capital city is Samarkand, one of the most cosmopolitan cities on Earth. Diversity is seen as a strength with there being so many ethnic groups in one nation, but so is cultural conservatism. Buddhists, Nestorian Christians, Muslims, and other faiths live side by side, confident that the government will make them yearn for death should they cause trouble in the name of their god(s). The government is centralized nowadays compared to its feudal past but retains internal autonomy in many matters not relating to the military or state industry. The latest Great Khan had a cult of personality around himself, building statues of himself made of solid gold and building his own personal shrine on the moon, but he has recently died.

In the west lies the Federation of Mortania, previously known as the Confederation of Independent Mortanian States, Cities, and Merchants. North America was named after an English explorer, Morton, while South America is named Ameriga after Amerigo (not our own). Founded as a capitalist liberal society in which anyone with a “white man’s work ethic” could achieve great success and anyone even with crappy work ethic could get away with what would get you hanged in Europe. Indeed, while the primary reason for the separation from the English-Dutch United Commonwealth was economic, after the revolution thousands of social deviants entered the new confederation from the deeply religious Commonwealth while those with strong religious beliefs went north to loyalist territory.

The nation has evolved since then: it’s still the most liberal of the three great powers and somewhat more liberal than the OTL USA, but not any more extreme than a center-left position on the OTL US political scale. Economically it has a system where towns and cities act as communally owned companies specializing in different goods or other functions such as research. There are few large cities, those tend to be regional capitals that act as hubs for company towns (communally owned) to trade and sell to the citizenry. This system works pretty well, think communism on a micro level and capitalism on a macro one. It does have its flaws, many of these are rooted in local governments being corporations. To protect themselves from urban expansion, farmers unionized themselves, but now they are becoming more urbanized as artificial food is trending as cheaper than real food from small farms and less risky and more humane than real food from big farms. Food of all makes is deeply engrained in Mortanian culture, the primary civic holiday being the harvest feast that’s essentially a bigger thanksgiving. The Federation of Mortania has a higher obesity rate than the OTL USA or Mexico, it’s enough of an issue to cause concern in the army as top generals believe that the Mortanian army is the weakest of the three great powers. The capital of the Federation is New London, located in the Federation’s northeast.

There are far more Native Mortanians in this world then there are Native (North) Americans in OTL. There are several large Native Mortanian independent nations in western Mortania. This is the result of a long delay between the discovery of Mortania and its colonization by Europeans. Natives are a large portion of the Federation’s population, some live by the old ways, some retain their culture but still practice Federal civic holidays, and others are integrated into the Federation’s general population. Europeans are the largest population, followed by Natives, mixed race (Native + European), and blacks who are at the bottom of the totem pole. Black history in Mortania is pretty similar to black history in OTL America. A larger back to Africa movement didn’t get rid of them, emigration to some south Mortianian and north Amerigan countries still left some behind. Whether those are better off in this world than OTL is a subjective matter. There’s less food insecurity, that’s for sure. Before racism was discredited, Natives viewed themselves as equals to Europeans and saw no reason to support black civil rights more than Europeans. The Federation of Mortania has the same idea of free religion as the OTL USA; Christianity is still popular, some more traditional Native tribes keep their traditional beliefs, there are more Jews here than anywhere else, and there are some oddballs including a religion that worships modern industry and a cult that worships certain bird species. Islam is the odd man out however, not praying in front of a dirty industrial park; because of geopolitical realities with Islam being the largest religion in the world and it dominating the old world, Muslims in Mortania find themselves treated like Catholics were in the OTL USA – at best. Pop culture in the federation (at least at present) is much like the OTL 1970s, with disco music and faux wood on everything.

Germania was united by southerners (think Austrians), rather than the Prussians. Its post-war government is similar to the OTL social justice movement: far-left, in stark contrast to its imperialist wartime government. This is in opposition to the Sublime Race and their imposition of Islam and Turkish culture on nationalities in the Balkans that only got a short time outside of the darkness before the reconquest. Some of the northern Germans (and the very small stateless minority of Christian Magyars in the borderlands) dislike the new governing ideology; northern Europe is more conservative especially when you get up to the Nordics. If you complain about the many refugees escaping the yoke of the Sublime Race, you’re in trouble. Who cares if it was because you got laid off by your boss who hired refugees for cheap, or if one actually did you harm or something, racism must be nipped in the bud whenever found. Considering the wonderful policies of the Sublime Race, there is plenty of justification for Germania’s harsh anti-racism attitude. But Germania still retains many of its old nationalistic old fashioned allies as a common front against the Sublime Race. Germania considers itself the center of a fourth bloc against the three great powers. The three great powers don’t consider Germania or it's European Pact one of them.

The League of the Three Emperors is an EU style confederation between the Chinese Empire (reduced considerably thanks to the Khanates eating northern territory), Korean Empire (control much of Manchuria) and Japanese Empire (ravaged by the Khanate in an invasion but never actually conquered). Beginning as an alliance of mutual protection against the Golden Khanate it has become commercially intertwined with itself and has a foreign office and shared colonies in the OTL Philippines. They like to say they are a neutral power that will trade with any peaceful nation but in reality they would ally with the Devil himself if it meant keeping the Golden Khanate away. As a result the Sultan of the Sublime Race is considering the possibility of improving relations, even if the Golden Khanate would get really mad at them if they did. The possibility of an alliance or anything won’t be in the air for a while though.

The Puritan Commonwealth of Mortania, centered in eastern Canada, was once the loyalist portion of Mortania after the creation of the Confederation. Remaining loyal to the United Commonwealth of England and the Netherlands, it filled up with theocratic utopian thinkers who thought that the most religiously oppressive country in Europe just wasn’t enough for them. When a revolution reestablished the secular monarchy in the two nations and curbed the power of the church, loyalists of the old regime fled here to join a revolution in retaining God’s order in the new world. Initially this country was a Dark Ages theocracy that executed homosexuals, adulterers, possible witches and wizards, and other "abominations". In the modern era it’s a little more sane, thanks to a secret cabal of liberal elites who slowly, in accordance with a precise plan, dragged this country into last century while keeping the government in place. Today homosexuals are not even imprisoned, but those who (are “proven” to) practice witchcraft still are. Indeed that was an important nuclear option for the cabal to get rid of Those Who Knew Too Much. The Commonwealth does not extend into the pacific but it does go into the prairies, and whenever natives were encountered they were converted, exiled, or killed – the native population of the Commonwealth is miniscule. The Commonwealth is allied with the Federation today, and it remains the world’s only Christian theocracy.

The Confederacy of First People's is a Native Mortanian state formed by natives who wanted independence and economic freedom from the Federation. Although the Federation would have preferred if this country was a little smaller it proved a useful place to dump the more nationalist native populace into. Because of the better population of Natives in this world the Federation would not have been able to reconquer it if they tried. It has a small pacific coastline.

A war between the three great powers is unlikely to happen within a short timespan but the potential for tensions to increase is very much present. The Sublime Race has the most powerful mass driver weapons and the best infantry, and they have the most current commitments and intrigue within the top brass. The Khanate has the best mechanized infantry, continuing their long tradition of having the best calvary. They have the weakest navy and very long borders. The Federation has the best navy and the best long range weaponry but they have by far the weakest land army. None of the great powers would use city destroyer bombs (nukes) for offense.

Other Points:
  • Rusland is very unfortunate. They’re a pretty poor and very bitter tinpot dictatorship who couldn’t even keep the Finns down. Still allied with Germania for the moment and thus outside of the three great powers, but they are looking at the Golden Khanate and thinking about swallowing what little remains of their pride...
  • The Republic of South Ameriga is a wealthy truly neutral capitalist state that trades with everyone.
  • India is dominated by three powers. Allied with the Sublime race is the Empire of Delhi, a Hindu nationalist state with strict enforcement of the caste system. Allied with the Khanate is the Blessed Union of Pandyan, a theocracy whose religion is a perversion of Hinduism created by an insane prophet who doubled as a serial killer. There’s a lot of emphasis on death in this offshoot, to the point that some of the more extreme cults practice ritual sacrifice and suicide. Finally there is the Bengal Empire, Mortania’s only Muslim ally in the entire world. India is less developed and has less people (far less) than OTL.
  • The Republic of Setsuko is a Japanese speaking country in western Mortania. It’s very homogenous and the black sheep of Mortania. There are not many Asians in the rest of the continent, and Setsuko is rather isolationist. The highest East Asian populations can be found in western Amerigo.
  • The Fuxiao Republic was colonized Chinese and Koreans seeking gold or fleeing the Khanate, Manchus, anti-Khanate Mongols, and even some Ainu. They blended together with the natives to create a blended Asiatic people and nation. Actually on friendly terms with the Khanate nowadays but won’t ally with them to keep the trade from the Federation flowing.
  • France is one of Germania’s old fashioned right wing dictatorship allies. It's pretty poor but better than the Brits, maintaining a small alliance of former colonies.
  • The last European controlled state in Africa is a fun sized Union of South Africa which claims it is the most harmonious state on Earth and that the conquest of the area was completely peaceful and that mass graves of black African resistance fighters and their families are fictional. The black population that didn’t escape the country long ago are told that they are equals to the white majority. Much of them live in primitive villages where they are denied modern technology. This is how the white majority controls the native blacks, by enforced their own traditional lifestyles on them and denying them advancement even from themselves or other blacks. Those that don’t live in tiny villages hold servile positions in white urbanized society. As implied by the fact that is has a European majority, this is a very small country and also a pariah state. The government claims they are allied with the Federation, but the Federation is disgusted by that idea.
  • Armenia was on the winning side of the Great War and expanded to include part of Pontus and other regions of eastern Anatolia. Today, Armenia never existed. Unique among the various nationalities to end up on the Sublime Race’s long shitlist, the Empire denies that the Armenian nation and people ever existed at all. Anyone within the Empire who tries to prove that Armenia was real or even expresses such is guilty of a crime and will be punished. If there are any Armenians left in their native land, they live under it in deep caverns, not on it. Any Armenians that are known to exist are either in Mortania or Ameriga.
  • The agrarian Peasant's Union of Ameriga is the world’s only *socialist country. Their ideology is a harmless curiosity in this world, and as one of the poorest countries on Earth they will never export the revolution. Lots of black ex-slaves involved in the revolution and excellent relations with the indigenous people of the area. The whole ethnic cleansing and forced deportations of white people during the revolution is the root cause of their Mortanian allied neighbors not liking them. Now they're negotiating potential entry into the Samarkand Alliance, as the Khanate is not picky about allies in faraway parts of the world to poke their rivals in the eye.
  • Southern Africa is divided between the east and west. The east is Swahili speaking and Muslim, here lighter skinned people are still considered more attractive than darker pure Africans even though there are almost no pureblood Arabic people left. In the west are Africans poorer, less developed, but never ruled over by Arabs. Some European colonies existed here, first as trading kingdoms, then as colonies during the interwar period, and then abandoned after the Europeans fought each other and then were defeated by the Sublime Race in the Phoenix War. This period of colonization was brief enough to prevent certain long term negative effects and now western Africa is starting to catch up with the east. Many countries in western Africa are still among the world’s poorest, joining many in the north and east part of Amerigo. Southern Mortania, the Sublime Race’s colonial possessions, and the North Sea region are also what we would call “third world.” In southwest Africa, some traditional native states returned after the period of European colonization, while other countries retained their colonial borders. The Khanate has good contacts in this part of the world, while the Sublime Race is very disadvantaged here; they are seen as arrogant and oppressive.
  • Most of Oceania is under Mortanian control. In Australia there are former English, French, and Dutch colonies, all strongly allied with the Federation but independent from it. Indonesia was colonized by competing French and Dutch (backed by the English) state owned companies. The French maintain the last colony in the region.
  • The Turks took the Julian calendar, made the same reforms as Pope Gregory did in our world, and converted the starting year to the Hijra, thus creating this world’s version of the Rumi calendar used in Imperial controlled Europe, all of Asia and Africa, and part of Amerigo. The Europeans than took this calendar and converted the start date back to that of the Julian calendar to make the Pontic calendar, which means that this world’s version of the Gregorian calendar is based on a Turkish improvement. The Pontic calendar is used is Mortania, northern and part of western Amerigo, and Christian Europe.
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How are the Tibetans faring under the rule of the Golden Khanate?